
My experience learning English at the university

My experience learning english at the university, has been very interesting, because I consider that I have learned very much all the time that I has been in english class at the university. This is very important for me, for many reasons, but, the most important is that, on the one hand, I believe that this idiom is necessary for developed in this diverse and connected world, wich people different that speak differents idioms needs to communicate, and, on the other hand, for my to learn english idiom is very fun, really I like and I am interested in this idiom and also, in others idioms like the french or italian, that are idioms that I also has been learned, however, know unless that English.

During this year, I has been learning very much, but, I would like to learn much more, but, I can not because I do not have time for dedicated with detention to learning of this idiom. However, I think and hope, that in the future when I do not will be studing this career, to learn english at an institut of English.

On the other hand, maybe, this experience has not been very intense like for can to speak English fluently, but, I consider that is a very good oportunity for increase my level of English language.

I remember that when I went at school, also I learned this idiom, but, this experience was not so interesting for me, because I did not learn as much as at university, in fact, I consider that I do not increase my level of the language, because, everything that I knew before of study at university, I learned of two ways, on the one hand, I learned very much in another school where I was when I was younger and on the other hand, I learned watching movies in english (this last way is very entertaining for me).

About my experience learning English at this university, I highlight in particular this course of English, because, I believe that through this, despite the short time I have to devote to my training, I learned a lot and of very nice way.

Finally, I think that in all experience in wich is learn something, influences very much the methodology used by the teacher, as well as their commitment to our learning, because, for example, at the school, I only had to translate text with dictionary and I did never do some creation as I has been in this course of English, wich is very interesting and important for me.In this sense, I thank the proffesor because I think that is very understanding and really cares about that the student to learn. Also, the learning process is developed in a very nice atmosphere, all wich makes a more significative learning and without stress.

Girls should be 'realistic' about careers and motherhood – schools group head

This article tells us about the teenage girls need to be taught a heavy dose of realism – that it may not be possible to be a perfect mother and career woman. Who writes the article: "Jessica Shepherd," tells us that in many schools, teachers taught students that girls should be in a way that often is not possible in reality for various reasons. For this, she talks about that as teachers need to teach our children to prepare for the reality that they will live after that can be very changeable and diverse, therefore, education should aim at the challenges and options face in the future.

"A lot of our girls want to have it all. That is perfectly acceptable and anything we can do to prepare them, we will. But we need to make them realistic. At different stages of their lives, they may want different things" (Jessica Shepherd).

On this sens, education, should prepare students specifically to girls for their future life that is still uncertain and should not default on their actions, because this causes a lot of pressure on them and causes them distress if not they comply with the provisions above.

Thus, the author states that: "women can feel very guilty, whatever path they choose. It is as if they have somehow compromised their principles. What we can do as teachers is prepare them to have aspirations, but not aim for perfection. We can help them recognise that life is about balance" (Op. Cit.)

This attitude on the part of education and of teachers toward students, causes that when the girls-and I think this applies also to the boys- need to develop in real life outside school, are not prepared to do.

Like the author, I believe the school and specifically the teachers, should not be predispose children with duties that do not emanate from their needs, I think on the contrary, that teachers should teach not only girls, also to children face to a life diverse and constantly change and be alert to the needs and interests of each.



I think that the current situation in my faculty is characterized for many things, but I consider that most important is related with three things: lack of student participation to fight for rights of all, the academic overload that do not allows have time to delve into the areas of interest, or participate in something outside the academic and nor relax and unwind, something necessary for human beings and for last, the paternalism in the department of education with students, that do not allows to students to decide and regulate themselves, to be self-organized in their university life. In fact, students are treated like children in the school, which are always forced and have to ask permission for everything.

The first situation, is neccesary to make a study for create other way of organize academic life of students. The second situation, is improve with and the last situation, change with others two situations differents, because, with more free time, is posible to participate and promote the participation of others.

I think that these things need improvement. For this improve, the first step to dealing with this situation, I think is to do an assembly in which students to talk with people of department of education: teachers and administrative managers to organize and to create strategies to address the situations described: academic overload, paternalist attitude toward to students and lack of student participation to fight for rights of all. Then, the second step, is develop the strategies created.

The Cinema

I love to go to watch movies at the cinema, but I do not have time to go, because every day I work in a task of some subjects in my career and I go to my work for a period of time. Then, I go to watch movies at cinema about of one or two twice to year. For example: This year, I went to cinema two twice; on Febrary, and after, on July. Also, I'm not going frecuently to cinema, because if I have time, but i do not money, I can watch movies in my house, that I download free of internet, but, this also is very few twice to year, because, I am a person very busy.

I do not buy films never, because I do not have money for this, because are very expansive, however, if I had more money, I would buy films, for help with the culture and art.

I wish have more free time for watch films at the cinema or in my house, but, I wish can watch films relaxed.

I have very much favourite films, for example: “the lords of the rings”, “watchman”, “the godfather”, “ghost”, “The Fight Club”, “Tesis”, “vanilla sky”, “Corpse Bride”, and very much...

I like these films, because, I consider that are very interesting and entertaining, and these films deliver messages that serve much to reflect on many aspects of life and existence, which I think is very important, because as humans we must always thinking and observing in order to grow and evolve as people and not just entertainment, because this is good, but not enough alone. For this I recommend these films, I recommend these films, but not only these, also others that serve to promote the recently mentioned.


What to do / where to go in santiago ?

I born and bred in santiago. I have been living all my life in this city, but in differents places. First, when I was a little girl, I was living in south of santiago, especifically at Macul commune, later I lived also in south of santiago,but in other commune: La Florida. When I grew more, went with my family, to live to the western sector of Santiago; the commune of Maipú, and now, I live at the center of santiago; at santiago commune.

Althought that I have been living all my life in santiago, I do not like this city, because I consider that is a city very crowded and noisy, and without nature, wich I love, I wish to live in other place of chile, like Valparaíso, Chiloé, concepción, valdivia or Easter Island. These are very good places for to visit in Chile.

However, also there are some very good places for to visit in Santiago. For example: a foreigner tourist always should visit in santiago seven places: the san cristóbal hill, santa lucia hill, Barrio Brasil, Barrio Bellavista, Forest Park, mapocho station, square of weapons. I think that should visit these places, because I consider that are very interesting and historic places of city.

On the other hand, a foreigner tourist should do very much things, I think that should begin with to make a programmation for to travel for differentes places of the city, likes wich mentioned before. And, then,should enjoy in this places, meet people and eat rich food, in some chilean and good restaurant.


"The sounds of music"

The music is very important in my life, because when I hear music I feel very good, very relax and very happy.

I think that there are many differents kinds of music that are good, but I prefer the rock and metal music , and also, I like very much the jazz and the classic music

I have very much favourites bands. Some of theirs are, for example: Tool, Opeth, A perfect circle, Ulver, mago de oz, Pink Floyd, Faith No More, Fantomas, Mr. Bungle, Queen and Led Zeppellin.

These bands likes me because I consider that have very good lyrics and melodies.

I have seen some concerts, of bands that likes me, like Roger Waters, Slayer, Mago de Oz, Iron Maiden, etc. But, I do not go often

because, the concerts are very expensive. In general, I listen to music that I download of free way of internet pages and that I have saved in my computer and in cd`s, because also I think that is very expensive buy cd`s or dvd`s with original music.

On the other hand, I like very much the music for dance and for sing karaoke in partys. For make these activities, I like all kind of music not only music that I constantly listen.

Also, the shower is a place where I sing and some many times I dance. Of this way, while I clean me, I can entertain me and after not only I am very clean, also I am very happy and relaxed.

With respect to musical instruments, I prefer the guitar, because I like the sound that have it, and I like play it, although I do not have many time for do this, like I would wish. I wish more free time for I can to play guitar and write music at guitar pro program.

Clearly, the music is very important for life of all people and for culture, because is present at very differents dimensions of life and give us very much happiness and peace, because help us to expressing and relax, wich are human needs.


My favorite TV serial

I do not a favorite serial, In fact, I in general do not see televisión, because I think that the serials and television program are very few interesting, I consider that the most of what is transmitted to airs on tv do not many sens, and on the other hand I do not tv cable, in wich there is some tv programs or serials more interesting. Is for these reasons, that I in general do not watch TV, but if I have to choose some serial, I can to say that “El club de la comedia”, “Casado con hijos” and “The Simpsons” are serials that I consider that are characterized by have funny and are entertaining and “La belleza de pensar”, “Tolerancia Cero” and “Ultima mirada”, are TV programs interestings and have more meaning and depth than other TV programs. Really, this serials and TV programs that mentioned are the only that I prefer watch when I watch TV and therefore I mention them as favorites although I do not have one particularly preferred. I recommend this TV programs to other persons because although I am not fan of any of them, I think that can be used to have a good time.


My opinion about Transantiago

I think that Transantiago is a system of transport that do have bad and good things. With respect to the good things, I consider very important to say that thanks to it, all the people can to travel for two hours paying only a passage, wich is very cheaper. Also, I think that is very good that with it system of transport, the drivers do not handing money, wich allows him make his job of more relax way and this also is very good for people that travell by bus, because of this way they have more security of do not have a accident for some distraccion of driver when he try to make people pay their passage.

On the other hand, I think that Transantiago, was not make with a good planning, because, this do not adequately cover the entire population, wich causes that many people can not to arrive to theirs home or to arrive to theirs jobs without to have that to walk very much, to take to much buses and to travell very much time or waiting for the bus for a long time.
In my experience, I did not have problems with this transport system, at the beginning or now, but I know people who clearly had problems with Transantiago.

I think that for to make it better or more effective in the future, will be necessary to make other planning that include the needs of people and the journeys that people normally do for travell.


A Country I would like to visit

Really, I think that many countries are very interesting for visit and know it, but, if I have that choose one, this is Japan.

I would like to go to Japan, because I consider that this country is very interesting for many things, like the cultura, the people, the values with which the people living your lifes, the technology, the architecture, the language, the scenery, the art, the history, etc.

Personally, I would like can know about this elements and about others that maybe now do not know, but I think that could of interestings. If I could to go to this country, I would like go sightseeing, visit museums, learning the idiom, but, especially, I would like to know people and to know their customs, their ways of relating, organizing and see the world and enjoy of this dynamic.

In this sense, I would like to live there and work for a period of time, ideally, do not less than three years. However, on the other hand, I would like to go to this country for study more about of the area of education and psicology, like graduate, for can to learn more about how are developed this areas at Japan.


My experiences during the first term of 2009

My experiences during the first term of 2009, was very differents, because, in one sens, I learning things very interesting, but, on the other hand, I consider that some contents of the subjects of my career, has been very few interesting and very few useful for my formation professional process. Also, I am completly disagree with methodologies of some teachers principally, because I think that are very inconsequential with what they teach and with theirs practices, as well as with what the pedagogy mean, because I think that is not adecuate that the teachers in class tell us that the learning process can be significative, and as well this process can be mediated and do not conduced for teacher, because is necessary that be the student can he self build your own knowledge with autonomy and receives not only from the teacher, and in their self pedagogic practices they do not consider this, on the contrary, this teachers do not have inconvenients in make yours class as if they were the only who could teach something to the other, only demanding and never criticizing or analyzing them self. I think that is very bad for my formation professional process.

However, I think that this inconvenients not can be hinder my training process, since I can analyze the situation and develop strategies or positions thereon, that allow me to be a good professional.


My blogging Experience

I consider that the experience writting in blog has been very interesting and important for my learning process of english idiom, because, through this way I could expand my vocabulary, and I has been constantly exercising my grammar and writing in English, which, consequently, has improved considerably my English

On the other hand, I enjoy doing blogs when I can understand and use more words than before, and also when I can use and understand more and differents ways of to write things than before. For me this is very good, makes me feel very well.

Also, I think that is very interesting the way of construct knowledge through blogs, because this tool allows that this construction is realized with autonomy, wich I think is very important, because allows that each person can regulate your own learning process.

Like disadvantages, I can to say that maybe if are many students that are constantly doing yours own blogs, I imagine that for teacher is a little difficult carry a continuos process of each one, because apart from the many obligations that have a professor, I imagine that go revising frecuently all blogs of students and give them a feedback of your learning process, is very difficult of achievement and tiring if is done. In this case, I think that the better could be make courses with few students or courses with many students but with more teachers, if the idea is that this tool works the best way, but if these conditions are not, I think that is better to make blogs, than do not to make blogs.

Finally, like conclusion, I wish to say that I think that blogs are very necessary for learning process, in my experience was a good way to learn, and for this I think that could be kept at english course.


Schools kill creativity

I think that Sir Ken Robinson have all reason in to say that Schools Kill Creativity, between many other things, because, for example, at school childrens can not to create with liberty, because metodology and school culture all the time assert your authority giving instruccions and putting limits, then childrens are educated for to recive these instruccions and way of behave and slowly their creativity that in a begin is instant, start to disappearing. Also, I think too that being wrong is the same thing as being creative and at school this is not consider, in fact, wrong have a negative connotacion, then if a child have a wrong will be punish of some way, in consequence, this child in other moment will have not prepared to be wrong and never will come up with anything original what is very bad for development of childrens.

I think the same as Sir Ken Robinson, I think too that creativity is as important in education as literacy and that we should treat it with the same status.

My Ideal Job

The job ideal for me is research on education and psicology. I think these areas need to be researched because discover things about this is useful for development of people, for example, recently has been discovered that neuro sciences is very important for education, especifically for to mediate in process learning and get that childrens construct a significative learning. Also, has been discovered that the expectatives of teachers about their students will determine the way that proffesor will to educate, of this way, students with a teacher that have bad expectatives about of they, will have a bad learning process and the opposite.

On the other hand, I wish to say that I consider that before of research I need work like teacher for I can have experience at education, and then, when I would be researcher can be a good profesional, knowing how educate of best way at classroom and that my work is not only based on theory without practice that is very important for the professional formation.

Clearly, I think that for this job is necessary to have very much perseverance, patience and dedication, during process and now too, because I need very long time and a hard work for can to set this.


My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is language and communication II, because I think that this is very necessary and significative for my profession. I am learning this subject in this semester (seventh semester of my career).

I like this subject because it covers areas that are key to educating to all diversity of children who are in schools, such as learning disorders and learning problems, different ways of learning and different ways methodological to carry out the process of teaching and learning, inter others.

This knowledge is teached for teacher Angelica Riquelme, who teached also a subject the last year: "Language and communication I", wich was also very interesting and necessary for the formation like professor, but this subject was focused to how children learn to read and write, then, this subject covered topics such as: reading comprehension, stages of writting, the communication and the funtions of language and the adquisition of language, among others.


My future !

In my future, personally, I hope be happy and very relaxed with myself, with my family and with people I love.

Also, profesionally, I will like to be working in some school ubicated at some city out of Santiago, because I hope to live in a place in wich I can see a beatiful natural landscape because I like natural enviroments, in them I can enjoy a relaxing time and also I can distract myself of daily life that is very tiresome. Also, I think that is very interesting to work at places like this, especially if work is like teacher, because in this case there are many influences on others, specifically on child, who absorb all elements that there is in the ambient, such as stress or relaxation that I have like teacher. On the other hand, I hope be a very good teacher, really I hope to educate to child of good way promoting significant learning.


My career

I`m studying initial education because I think that this area is very important for the operation of life in society, culture remains and improvement through education that is given to children, because later they are who create a society with their behaviors and thoughts that they learned earlier. On the other hand, I like this career because with education it is posible to form people integrally, because to educate is not only to transmit knowledge, but also to give children values and different perspectives of things for their autonomy and best development in the environment, expanding their possibilities in life. The professionals in my area contribute to society this way: giving tools to people for an integral formation and development anywhere and with anyone, then an educator needs to have pedagogic tools to know how to educate significantly to people allowing them to be protagonists of their learning and development.

My favourite subject is personal development because I think is very important for life, perhaps more essential that academic knowledge.


The best in my area !

I think that the best in my area is Maria Montessori, because she is a person who really created a educational methodology in which children can be constructors of their learning. They learn by playing freely and the teacher is a mediator to let the child discover how to learn, respecting their forms of conceptualizing knowledge; also the previous conceptualization is important in this methodology, because a significative learning begins with the mixture of new and old knowledge. Other things that I think is important consider is the fact of that Maria Montessori was a big investigator of cognitive development of childrens, she discovered that they can be autonomous in the process of learn, for this the discipline in this methodology is not in base of scream, is in base of a confidence between teacher and children, that only can be helped for the use of the conversation and of clare and consistent norms, that do not damage the self-esteem, like is the case of lots colleges or infant gardens with traditionals methodologics.

On the other hand, Maria Montessori raises that they can have all the material to their disposition for choose with that to work freely for to learn; this make a significative learning, I think that this is very important for a good education. For all the above I can say that I like Maria Montessori.


The photograph I chose

I chose this picture because I like nature, I don't know who took it or when it was taken, I just searched for it on the web. I chose this photograph that shows a beatiful natural landscape because I like natural enviroments, in them I can enjoy a relaxing time and also I can distract myself of daily life that is very tiresome. Really I do not like life in the city because It is very fast, for example, almost every person is always in a hurry, there is almost no places to enjoy your free time, unless you can pay for it.

On the other hand, in natural enviroments people can enjoy and relax themselves, having a good time for free. In nature you can find yourself as you really are, which is very important to live in harmony with yourself and others. I really think that we need more natural spaces in our cities for everyone to enjoy, so we can live our daily life with that much needed relaxation.


My favorite career-related website

My favorite career-related website is www.daleya.com, because in this page I can found all I wish, like that is music, movies and video games. The important of this is that I can relax and make my activities of the career more tranquility, with this page I have my moments of rest. This page is a browser like google, but works better because it is based on direct download, so it can find whatever you want more orderly and quickly. I visit this page usually, only I have that write the name of what I need and this appears in the page ready for download in my computer, then I download and after a while I enjoy!!!. Is very simple and comfortable, I like to use. I usually visit this page to search for music and movies, I have downloaded many movies and discographies of all types. I try download during the week to enjoy them on the weekend when I have a little more time, but sometimes when I have many activities at the university and I do not have time to do, so I look for a moment to do because I really like me to have new music and movies. Is great.


My computer

My favourite piece of technology is the computer, because with this I can to do many important things like write, read, listen to music, to play, watch tv and movies and also communicate with my boyfriend and my friends, but, perhaps the most important reason to like me use the computer every day is that with it I can write most quickly that in the typewriters, because I can erase the wrongs without to make a new page, and like universitary student of the humanist career, I have to write so much. I got my computer eight years ago, when I has fifteen years old, my parents gave me because I needed it to work at the secundary school. The gift has been very important to me, I use it very much and I improved putting news pieces in it, now is very quickly and beautiful. My academic life without the computer would be very difficult and my life in general would be more bouring.


Hi! mi name is Alejandra Lagos, I am 23 years old and i study initial education at Universidad de Chile. I live in Santiago Chile, but i want to live in another place with more natural resources, i like the south of chile and i think that after finishing my career, I'd like to go there. Another thing that i will want tell you is about my pets, because from the past year in my house living five little dogs and two little cats, as well as my old dog "Fofy", that lives with my family around fourth years ago. The cats arriving to my house because my sister Daniela the brought of the street where it was helpless and along, first brought to Matilda and then, especifically one month later, to arrive Yoda. Matilda and Yoda now are very friends, all the time they are playing together. To diference of the cats, the little dogs coming to this world in my house, are the Fofy children and are very beautiful, they were born about one month ago, three months later that the arrival of Yoda. They have grown considerably since its birth, now are big, plump and playful, every day the little dogs and me played, also are very loving. I am very happy with they.