
My experiences during the first term of 2009

My experiences during the first term of 2009, was very differents, because, in one sens, I learning things very interesting, but, on the other hand, I consider that some contents of the subjects of my career, has been very few interesting and very few useful for my formation professional process. Also, I am completly disagree with methodologies of some teachers principally, because I think that are very inconsequential with what they teach and with theirs practices, as well as with what the pedagogy mean, because I think that is not adecuate that the teachers in class tell us that the learning process can be significative, and as well this process can be mediated and do not conduced for teacher, because is necessary that be the student can he self build your own knowledge with autonomy and receives not only from the teacher, and in their self pedagogic practices they do not consider this, on the contrary, this teachers do not have inconvenients in make yours class as if they were the only who could teach something to the other, only demanding and never criticizing or analyzing them self. I think that is very bad for my formation professional process.

However, I think that this inconvenients not can be hinder my training process, since I can analyze the situation and develop strategies or positions thereon, that allow me to be a good professional.

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