
The photograph I chose

I chose this picture because I like nature, I don't know who took it or when it was taken, I just searched for it on the web. I chose this photograph that shows a beatiful natural landscape because I like natural enviroments, in them I can enjoy a relaxing time and also I can distract myself of daily life that is very tiresome. Really I do not like life in the city because It is very fast, for example, almost every person is always in a hurry, there is almost no places to enjoy your free time, unless you can pay for it.

On the other hand, in natural enviroments people can enjoy and relax themselves, having a good time for free. In nature you can find yourself as you really are, which is very important to live in harmony with yourself and others. I really think that we need more natural spaces in our cities for everyone to enjoy, so we can live our daily life with that much needed relaxation.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Alejandra, that is a very nice picture, I love it, when I sow that, I think in so much tranquility, like I want to be right now.
