
My computer

My favourite piece of technology is the computer, because with this I can to do many important things like write, read, listen to music, to play, watch tv and movies and also communicate with my boyfriend and my friends, but, perhaps the most important reason to like me use the computer every day is that with it I can write most quickly that in the typewriters, because I can erase the wrongs without to make a new page, and like universitary student of the humanist career, I have to write so much. I got my computer eight years ago, when I has fifteen years old, my parents gave me because I needed it to work at the secundary school. The gift has been very important to me, I use it very much and I improved putting news pieces in it, now is very quickly and beautiful. My academic life without the computer would be very difficult and my life in general would be more bouring.

1 comentario:

  1. The computers are so interesting but I don`t agree that people are all the day with them. Sometimes, some people live their lifes in the computer world. But I understand that for the university life it`s so useful.
