
The best in my area !

I think that the best in my area is Maria Montessori, because she is a person who really created a educational methodology in which children can be constructors of their learning. They learn by playing freely and the teacher is a mediator to let the child discover how to learn, respecting their forms of conceptualizing knowledge; also the previous conceptualization is important in this methodology, because a significative learning begins with the mixture of new and old knowledge. Other things that I think is important consider is the fact of that Maria Montessori was a big investigator of cognitive development of childrens, she discovered that they can be autonomous in the process of learn, for this the discipline in this methodology is not in base of scream, is in base of a confidence between teacher and children, that only can be helped for the use of the conversation and of clare and consistent norms, that do not damage the self-esteem, like is the case of lots colleges or infant gardens with traditionals methodologics.

On the other hand, Maria Montessori raises that they can have all the material to their disposition for choose with that to work freely for to learn; this make a significative learning, I think that this is very important for a good education. For all the above I can say that I like Maria Montessori.

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow, María Montessori has a good way about how the children can learn such great knowledges by playing.

  2. Amazing! I see that she developed studies related with cognitive psychology :O
    I'll search information about her.

    kisses :*
