
Schools kill creativity

I think that Sir Ken Robinson have all reason in to say that Schools Kill Creativity, between many other things, because, for example, at school childrens can not to create with liberty, because metodology and school culture all the time assert your authority giving instruccions and putting limits, then childrens are educated for to recive these instruccions and way of behave and slowly their creativity that in a begin is instant, start to disappearing. Also, I think too that being wrong is the same thing as being creative and at school this is not consider, in fact, wrong have a negative connotacion, then if a child have a wrong will be punish of some way, in consequence, this child in other moment will have not prepared to be wrong and never will come up with anything original what is very bad for development of childrens.

I think the same as Sir Ken Robinson, I think too that creativity is as important in education as literacy and that we should treat it with the same status.

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