

I think that the current situation in my faculty is characterized for many things, but I consider that most important is related with three things: lack of student participation to fight for rights of all, the academic overload that do not allows have time to delve into the areas of interest, or participate in something outside the academic and nor relax and unwind, something necessary for human beings and for last, the paternalism in the department of education with students, that do not allows to students to decide and regulate themselves, to be self-organized in their university life. In fact, students are treated like children in the school, which are always forced and have to ask permission for everything.

The first situation, is neccesary to make a study for create other way of organize academic life of students. The second situation, is improve with and the last situation, change with others two situations differents, because, with more free time, is posible to participate and promote the participation of others.

I think that these things need improvement. For this improve, the first step to dealing with this situation, I think is to do an assembly in which students to talk with people of department of education: teachers and administrative managers to organize and to create strategies to address the situations described: academic overload, paternalist attitude toward to students and lack of student participation to fight for rights of all. Then, the second step, is develop the strategies created.

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