
What to do / where to go in santiago ?

I born and bred in santiago. I have been living all my life in this city, but in differents places. First, when I was a little girl, I was living in south of santiago, especifically at Macul commune, later I lived also in south of santiago,but in other commune: La Florida. When I grew more, went with my family, to live to the western sector of Santiago; the commune of Maipú, and now, I live at the center of santiago; at santiago commune.

Althought that I have been living all my life in santiago, I do not like this city, because I consider that is a city very crowded and noisy, and without nature, wich I love, I wish to live in other place of chile, like Valparaíso, Chiloé, concepción, valdivia or Easter Island. These are very good places for to visit in Chile.

However, also there are some very good places for to visit in Santiago. For example: a foreigner tourist always should visit in santiago seven places: the san cristóbal hill, santa lucia hill, Barrio Brasil, Barrio Bellavista, Forest Park, mapocho station, square of weapons. I think that should visit these places, because I consider that are very interesting and historic places of city.

On the other hand, a foreigner tourist should do very much things, I think that should begin with to make a programmation for to travel for differentes places of the city, likes wich mentioned before. And, then,should enjoy in this places, meet people and eat rich food, in some chilean and good restaurant.

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