
My blogging Experience

I consider that the experience writting in blog has been very interesting and important for my learning process of english idiom, because, through this way I could expand my vocabulary, and I has been constantly exercising my grammar and writing in English, which, consequently, has improved considerably my English

On the other hand, I enjoy doing blogs when I can understand and use more words than before, and also when I can use and understand more and differents ways of to write things than before. For me this is very good, makes me feel very well.

Also, I think that is very interesting the way of construct knowledge through blogs, because this tool allows that this construction is realized with autonomy, wich I think is very important, because allows that each person can regulate your own learning process.

Like disadvantages, I can to say that maybe if are many students that are constantly doing yours own blogs, I imagine that for teacher is a little difficult carry a continuos process of each one, because apart from the many obligations that have a professor, I imagine that go revising frecuently all blogs of students and give them a feedback of your learning process, is very difficult of achievement and tiring if is done. In this case, I think that the better could be make courses with few students or courses with many students but with more teachers, if the idea is that this tool works the best way, but if these conditions are not, I think that is better to make blogs, than do not to make blogs.

Finally, like conclusion, I wish to say that I think that blogs are very necessary for learning process, in my experience was a good way to learn, and for this I think that could be kept at english course.


Schools kill creativity

I think that Sir Ken Robinson have all reason in to say that Schools Kill Creativity, between many other things, because, for example, at school childrens can not to create with liberty, because metodology and school culture all the time assert your authority giving instruccions and putting limits, then childrens are educated for to recive these instruccions and way of behave and slowly their creativity that in a begin is instant, start to disappearing. Also, I think too that being wrong is the same thing as being creative and at school this is not consider, in fact, wrong have a negative connotacion, then if a child have a wrong will be punish of some way, in consequence, this child in other moment will have not prepared to be wrong and never will come up with anything original what is very bad for development of childrens.

I think the same as Sir Ken Robinson, I think too that creativity is as important in education as literacy and that we should treat it with the same status.

My Ideal Job

The job ideal for me is research on education and psicology. I think these areas need to be researched because discover things about this is useful for development of people, for example, recently has been discovered that neuro sciences is very important for education, especifically for to mediate in process learning and get that childrens construct a significative learning. Also, has been discovered that the expectatives of teachers about their students will determine the way that proffesor will to educate, of this way, students with a teacher that have bad expectatives about of they, will have a bad learning process and the opposite.

On the other hand, I wish to say that I consider that before of research I need work like teacher for I can have experience at education, and then, when I would be researcher can be a good profesional, knowing how educate of best way at classroom and that my work is not only based on theory without practice that is very important for the professional formation.

Clearly, I think that for this job is necessary to have very much perseverance, patience and dedication, during process and now too, because I need very long time and a hard work for can to set this.


My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is language and communication II, because I think that this is very necessary and significative for my profession. I am learning this subject in this semester (seventh semester of my career).

I like this subject because it covers areas that are key to educating to all diversity of children who are in schools, such as learning disorders and learning problems, different ways of learning and different ways methodological to carry out the process of teaching and learning, inter others.

This knowledge is teached for teacher Angelica Riquelme, who teached also a subject the last year: "Language and communication I", wich was also very interesting and necessary for the formation like professor, but this subject was focused to how children learn to read and write, then, this subject covered topics such as: reading comprehension, stages of writting, the communication and the funtions of language and the adquisition of language, among others.