
My opinion about Transantiago

I think that Transantiago is a system of transport that do have bad and good things. With respect to the good things, I consider very important to say that thanks to it, all the people can to travel for two hours paying only a passage, wich is very cheaper. Also, I think that is very good that with it system of transport, the drivers do not handing money, wich allows him make his job of more relax way and this also is very good for people that travell by bus, because of this way they have more security of do not have a accident for some distraccion of driver when he try to make people pay their passage.

On the other hand, I think that Transantiago, was not make with a good planning, because, this do not adequately cover the entire population, wich causes that many people can not to arrive to theirs home or to arrive to theirs jobs without to have that to walk very much, to take to much buses and to travell very much time or waiting for the bus for a long time.
In my experience, I did not have problems with this transport system, at the beginning or now, but I know people who clearly had problems with Transantiago.

I think that for to make it better or more effective in the future, will be necessary to make other planning that include the needs of people and the journeys that people normally do for travell.


A Country I would like to visit

Really, I think that many countries are very interesting for visit and know it, but, if I have that choose one, this is Japan.

I would like to go to Japan, because I consider that this country is very interesting for many things, like the cultura, the people, the values with which the people living your lifes, the technology, the architecture, the language, the scenery, the art, the history, etc.

Personally, I would like can know about this elements and about others that maybe now do not know, but I think that could of interestings. If I could to go to this country, I would like go sightseeing, visit museums, learning the idiom, but, especially, I would like to know people and to know their customs, their ways of relating, organizing and see the world and enjoy of this dynamic.

In this sense, I would like to live there and work for a period of time, ideally, do not less than three years. However, on the other hand, I would like to go to this country for study more about of the area of education and psicology, like graduate, for can to learn more about how are developed this areas at Japan.


My experiences during the first term of 2009

My experiences during the first term of 2009, was very differents, because, in one sens, I learning things very interesting, but, on the other hand, I consider that some contents of the subjects of my career, has been very few interesting and very few useful for my formation professional process. Also, I am completly disagree with methodologies of some teachers principally, because I think that are very inconsequential with what they teach and with theirs practices, as well as with what the pedagogy mean, because I think that is not adecuate that the teachers in class tell us that the learning process can be significative, and as well this process can be mediated and do not conduced for teacher, because is necessary that be the student can he self build your own knowledge with autonomy and receives not only from the teacher, and in their self pedagogic practices they do not consider this, on the contrary, this teachers do not have inconvenients in make yours class as if they were the only who could teach something to the other, only demanding and never criticizing or analyzing them self. I think that is very bad for my formation professional process.

However, I think that this inconvenients not can be hinder my training process, since I can analyze the situation and develop strategies or positions thereon, that allow me to be a good professional.