
The best in my area !

I think that the best in my area is Maria Montessori, because she is a person who really created a educational methodology in which children can be constructors of their learning. They learn by playing freely and the teacher is a mediator to let the child discover how to learn, respecting their forms of conceptualizing knowledge; also the previous conceptualization is important in this methodology, because a significative learning begins with the mixture of new and old knowledge. Other things that I think is important consider is the fact of that Maria Montessori was a big investigator of cognitive development of childrens, she discovered that they can be autonomous in the process of learn, for this the discipline in this methodology is not in base of scream, is in base of a confidence between teacher and children, that only can be helped for the use of the conversation and of clare and consistent norms, that do not damage the self-esteem, like is the case of lots colleges or infant gardens with traditionals methodologics.

On the other hand, Maria Montessori raises that they can have all the material to their disposition for choose with that to work freely for to learn; this make a significative learning, I think that this is very important for a good education. For all the above I can say that I like Maria Montessori.


The photograph I chose

I chose this picture because I like nature, I don't know who took it or when it was taken, I just searched for it on the web. I chose this photograph that shows a beatiful natural landscape because I like natural enviroments, in them I can enjoy a relaxing time and also I can distract myself of daily life that is very tiresome. Really I do not like life in the city because It is very fast, for example, almost every person is always in a hurry, there is almost no places to enjoy your free time, unless you can pay for it.

On the other hand, in natural enviroments people can enjoy and relax themselves, having a good time for free. In nature you can find yourself as you really are, which is very important to live in harmony with yourself and others. I really think that we need more natural spaces in our cities for everyone to enjoy, so we can live our daily life with that much needed relaxation.


My favorite career-related website

My favorite career-related website is www.daleya.com, because in this page I can found all I wish, like that is music, movies and video games. The important of this is that I can relax and make my activities of the career more tranquility, with this page I have my moments of rest. This page is a browser like google, but works better because it is based on direct download, so it can find whatever you want more orderly and quickly. I visit this page usually, only I have that write the name of what I need and this appears in the page ready for download in my computer, then I download and after a while I enjoy!!!. Is very simple and comfortable, I like to use. I usually visit this page to search for music and movies, I have downloaded many movies and discographies of all types. I try download during the week to enjoy them on the weekend when I have a little more time, but sometimes when I have many activities at the university and I do not have time to do, so I look for a moment to do because I really like me to have new music and movies. Is great.


My computer

My favourite piece of technology is the computer, because with this I can to do many important things like write, read, listen to music, to play, watch tv and movies and also communicate with my boyfriend and my friends, but, perhaps the most important reason to like me use the computer every day is that with it I can write most quickly that in the typewriters, because I can erase the wrongs without to make a new page, and like universitary student of the humanist career, I have to write so much. I got my computer eight years ago, when I has fifteen years old, my parents gave me because I needed it to work at the secundary school. The gift has been very important to me, I use it very much and I improved putting news pieces in it, now is very quickly and beautiful. My academic life without the computer would be very difficult and my life in general would be more bouring.