
My future !

In my future, personally, I hope be happy and very relaxed with myself, with my family and with people I love.

Also, profesionally, I will like to be working in some school ubicated at some city out of Santiago, because I hope to live in a place in wich I can see a beatiful natural landscape because I like natural enviroments, in them I can enjoy a relaxing time and also I can distract myself of daily life that is very tiresome. Also, I think that is very interesting to work at places like this, especially if work is like teacher, because in this case there are many influences on others, specifically on child, who absorb all elements that there is in the ambient, such as stress or relaxation that I have like teacher. On the other hand, I hope be a very good teacher, really I hope to educate to child of good way promoting significant learning.


My career

I`m studying initial education because I think that this area is very important for the operation of life in society, culture remains and improvement through education that is given to children, because later they are who create a society with their behaviors and thoughts that they learned earlier. On the other hand, I like this career because with education it is posible to form people integrally, because to educate is not only to transmit knowledge, but also to give children values and different perspectives of things for their autonomy and best development in the environment, expanding their possibilities in life. The professionals in my area contribute to society this way: giving tools to people for an integral formation and development anywhere and with anyone, then an educator needs to have pedagogic tools to know how to educate significantly to people allowing them to be protagonists of their learning and development.

My favourite subject is personal development because I think is very important for life, perhaps more essential that academic knowledge.