
Hi! mi name is Alejandra Lagos, I am 23 years old and i study initial education at Universidad de Chile. I live in Santiago Chile, but i want to live in another place with more natural resources, i like the south of chile and i think that after finishing my career, I'd like to go there. Another thing that i will want tell you is about my pets, because from the past year in my house living five little dogs and two little cats, as well as my old dog "Fofy", that lives with my family around fourth years ago. The cats arriving to my house because my sister Daniela the brought of the street where it was helpless and along, first brought to Matilda and then, especifically one month later, to arrive Yoda. Matilda and Yoda now are very friends, all the time they are playing together. To diference of the cats, the little dogs coming to this world in my house, are the Fofy children and are very beautiful, they were born about one month ago, three months later that the arrival of Yoda. They have grown considerably since its birth, now are big, plump and playful, every day the little dogs and me played, also are very loving. I am very happy with they.